Hazelnuts in shell

Tree Nuts

Zbigniew Ciemniewski Przetwórstwo Rolno-Spożywcze

ul. Dzika 23
43-215 Jankowice
tel. 515 394 021
e-mail: biuro@treenuts.pl
Facebook: @Tree Nuts

Hazelnuts are a concentrated source of nutrients, including magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. They are a rich source of protein. Their primary health-promoting potential is based on their high content of unsaturated fatty acids. A recommended serving (handful) of hazelnuts provides more than 100% of an adult man's recommended daily intake of vitamin E.

Tree Nuts is involved in hazelnut growing, processing and packing.

The name Tree Nuts captures the character of the founders-T(h)ree Nuts- passionate people who are up to their eyes in nuts. They draw their knowledge of nuts from their many years of experience, but also from scientific research resulting in a doctoral thesis on Polish hazelnut varieties, published as a series of scientific publications.

Hazelnuts in shell come from the orchard in Jankowice near Pszczyna, which has been put on the list of organic farms. The orchard was established in 2006. Since then, continually acquired knowledge and experience has enabled the production of raw materials that meet European requirements. Processing has been in operation since 2016. In February 2018, the orchard was included in the organic farming inspection system and was certified as organically grown in 2022.