Noodels from Suszec
Koło Gospodyń Wiejskich w Suszcu
ul. Lipowa 1
43-267 Suszec
kontakt: Kornelia Zając – Przewodnicząca Koła Gospodyń Wiejskich w Suszcu
tel. 781 471 102
Point of sale: 43-267 Suszec, ul. Piaskowa 17F/3
When the members of the Suszec Rural Housewives' Circle look back to the past, the Sunday lunch would always involve preparing noodles for broth - made and cut by hand. Noodles from Suszec add a unique touch to any dish. They are made traditionally, without the use of any enhancers, additives or other preservatives. The eggs come from local hen farms.