Ciap Kapusta from Suszec
Koło Gospodyń Wiejskich w Suszcu
ul. Lipowa 1
43-267 Suszec
kontakt: Kornelia Zając – Przewodnicząca Koła Gospodyń Wiejskich w Suszcu
tel. 781 471 102
Point of sale: 43-267 Suszec, ul. Piaskowa 17F/3
It has been a local dish known for generations. Members of the Suszec Rural Housewives' Circle remember this dish from their childhood years and still cultivate its preparation in their homes. It can be served as a stand-alone dish and goes well with meat or fish. Alternatively, you can prepare it as a Lenten version without the addition of pork scratching. The products used in its preparation come from local farms.