Kopa jankowicka

Karczma Wiejska

ul. Żubrów 112 
43-215 Jankowice
tel. 502 565 414
e-mail: marketing@epart.eu

This is a traditional dessert prepared in Karczma Wiejska according to the recipe handed down from generation to generation by the housewives of Jankowice. 
The product, in the shape of a mound made of sponge cake, with a buttercream flavoured with alcohol and nuts, is made entirely by 'human hands' - from the baking of the sponge cake, through the preparation of the filling and the whipping of the cream, to the decoration.
Since 2011, Kopa jankowicka has been included in the Culinary Trail "Silesian Flavours" as a local dessert served in the Jankowice area.